18th Century Style Autumn Harvest Ceiling
18th Century Style Autumn Harvest Ceiling
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If you didn’t know….
In our project pages we have

  • mouldings and ornaments
  • exquisite patinas
  • a mouldmaking service
  • painted copies and originals
  • beautifully sculpted frames
  • and rather a lot more….
In this case our client wished to have painted an 18th Century Style ceiling based on an 18th Century etching depicting a harvest celebration as the central theme.

Around this central theme we were asked to copy four 18th Century style grisaille corners by Jacob de Wit depicting the four seasons taken from the ceiling of the Theater Museum in Amsterdam.

The Work –
  • turn the A4 sized etching into a full colour ceiling design and to realise it  5 x 4 meter large directly on the ceiling
  • to copy the four seasons grisailles by Jacob de Wit in the corners around the central scene, but to reverse the light and shade on the grisailles due to a different position of the light source in comparison with the original

The Ceiling Central Harvest Scene

Follow the stages of the development of the ceiling painting from an etching throught to a fully realised ceiling painting

The Adapted Grisailles Of The Four Seaons

See how we copied the grisailles by Jacob de Wit and adapted them so that the light and shade respected the light source of the room
The Making Of The Ceiling
The Making Of The Ceiling
The Making Of The Ceiling

The Ceiling Central Harvest Scene

Follow the stages of the development of the ceiling painting from an etching throught to a fully realised ceiling painting

The Adapted Grisailles Of The Four Seaons

See how we copied the grisailles by Jacob de Wit and adapted them so that the light and shade respected the light source of the room
From Etching To Ceiling Painting
The Autumn Harvest Ceiling Center Piece
A colour study of the scene depicted in the original etching was created based colour harmonies from a ceiling by Giaccomo Tieppolo, and the actual composition was reversed, as the the daylight orientation of the room housing the ceiling was not correct for the aspect of the light in the etching.
A drawing was then made of the composition on the ceiling and a layer of  “local” colour was laid in. The next layers followed the classic oil painting technique for the period, finishing with glazing and and a reworking of the lights.
Once the painting was completed patinas were applied to simulate age.
The Four  Seasons Grisailles Copies
Adaptations of four Grisailles by Jacob de Wit
Four 18th Century style grisaille corners by Jacob de Wit depicting the four seasons were adapted for the corners of the ceiling.
The light and shade of the grisailles were reversed to match the orientation of the light in the room.
The originals are in the Theater Museum in Amsterdam
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